Swix LF10 yellow (0°C / 10°C) - 60 g

Glide wax
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60 g
Swix vznikol v 40. rokoch minulého storočia v Nórsku ako manufaktúra, špecializujúca sa výrobu voskov na lyže. Dodnes je svetovou jednotkou vo výrobe voskov a príslušenstva na všetky zimné disciplíny.

LF10 Yellow, +10°C to 0°C For very wet conditions. Also good for base preparation and to protect the bases when traveling. The snow is often dirty at the temperatures calling for LF10, therefore an overlayer of Cera F FC10X is recommended.

The new formula of Swix LF 10X is great when things are getting really warm and slushy in the spring time. Not just for that time of the year lots of skiers use it for a summer conditioning wax. The new formula is harder than it was before, making it more durable and long lasting.
  • 60 g
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